Learn to make peace with your body and discover what joyful movement looks like for you.

An anti diet culture approach to personal training and mindset coaching.


Hi friend!

I’m Rebekka.

I am an anti diet culture personal trainer and mindset coach with over 14 years and 13,000 hours of coaching experience.

My approach to training and mindset coaching is heavily influenced by my personal journey breaking free from decades of chronic dieting, toxic workout habits, and working to heal my body image. I want to show you that it is possible to embrace your body as it is, and have an empowering experience with movement and exercise.

My goal is to help you successfully:


Build a resilient body image

Reclaiming your body is the process of redefining your relationship with your body outside of social constructs and external approval. This relearning overtime builds a resilient body image or state of being where you take the positive days when they come, the tough body image days in stride, and nurture a strong sense of self separate from appearance. My goal is to help guide and support you through meaningful movement and mindset shifts. You can read more about resilient body image here and read more about diet culture here.

Develop a lifelong awareness of how to move intuitively

My definition of intuitive movement involves the practice of meeting yourself where you are at any given time, and making choices accordingly. As your coach, it is my job to ask guiding questions. This will allow us to work together to identify what types of movement you find safe, healing, accessible, tolerable, empowering, and/or enjoyable. My passion is to provide you with a fun, realistic, and successful movement experience that inspires long-lasting motivation and translates constructively into all aspects of daily life.

Achieve your specific goals

What does it look like to set goals based on how you want to feel, not how you want to look? I am here to help you figure that out! It is possible to engage in health-promoting, life-enhancing behaviors without the intention of manipulating your body size and shape. My purpose is to provide you with highly individualized movement and mindset coaching, specifically designed to cultivate mind-muscle connection, and strength and endurance based achievements, all in service of bringing you closer to body peace and discovering what movement looks like on your terms.


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“I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. Rebekka was the first person I've ever worked with to show me there was a different way to approach fitness…”