6 Benefits To Modifying Movement


Diet culture tells us that movement only "counts" if it is "enough"...hard enough, intense enough, heavy enough, long enough, trendy enough, or enough to change our bodies. This immense pressure often leads to overtraining, injury, burnout, and withdrawal. It can also make it harder to listen to your body. A big part of intuitive movement is about forgetting about what “counts” and focusing on what feels joyful. Modifying movement and giving yourself options goes a long way to building body peace.

It can be hard to break free from the diet culture mindset. Do you struggle with self-judgement when it comes to modifying movements?

Here are six possible ways to reframe your thoughts:

  1. Modifying movement is VALID because it is what works for you.

  2. Modifying movement is SMART because it uses more of the tools and resources at your disposal to create a positive and fulfilling experience.

  3. Modifying movement is SAFE because it can make it possible to move in a way that is pain free and manageable for where you are on your journey.

  4. Modifying movement is EFFECTIVE at moving you closer to your goals based on how you want to feel.

  5. Modifying movement is CARING because it allows you to honor how your body feels day-to-day.

  6. Modifying movement is POSSIBLE because all movements can be modified.

The next time you experience self-judgment when it comes to physical activity, try referring back to these mindset shifts as a way to remind yourself that all movement is valid.

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In our work together, I can help you discover joyful and intuitive movement, and experience for yourself the benefits of modifying movement to fit your goals.


4 Ways To Adjust The Intensity Of A Movement Session


3 Things You Can Try, To Help Build Body Peace